Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Welcome 8 White!!! It's Nice to Meet You!

I am very excited to be your 8th grade English teacher!! It is my job to guide you through your final year in middle school and get ready for high school and what lies ahead!  We'll be using many different tools in our English class to start discussions, analyze, write, respond, and research.  You'll find some great resources here on our class blog.  I hope that by having these resources here at your fingertips, you'll feel like you have your own Miss Enos at home to help when you need it!  If you have trouble finding something here on the blog, just let me know and I will help you find it!  If you ever have suggestions for a great resource/topic to add to the class blog, just let me know!!

Here is a video tour that I created to show you around the blog. 

In fact, let me know if you have any questions at all (any time at all!).  You can ask during class, before/after-school, through an e-mail.  I don't care how you ask but ask!!!  I want to help you.  You are my number one priority!

One thing you will hear me mention about a million times is my hope for you to have a Spirit of Excellence! I recently heard a quote "Keep working until you are proud!"  Make that your motto for your final year at DMS and many more after!

My goal is to help you strengthen your reading and writing skills this year, but I also want to teach you skills to help you be successful as you grow into the amazing adult you are meant to be.  I want to help you grow by collaborating, creating, and communicating.  I also want to see you become championsJust like these boys! 

Check out their story and think about what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it!  Add a comment here on the blog to say something we can learn from these boys that will help us succeed this year or tell us about one of your goals and your plans to reach them.  Offer up any advice or tips you have! 

Are you up for the challenge?  Because I know I am!

Let's enjoy the year!!

Go, White Team!!!


  1. Always try your hardest and don't give up because even though no one believed in them, and they didn't have enough space to play. They still tried the "impossible."

  2. my goal is to finish middle school off with good grades and my plan to do that is to work as hard as I can and just try my best in school and do all of my work, including all of my homework

  3. We can learn that sometimes people will bring you down but even then you shouldn't stop trying to reach your goal. Sometimes you might not always win but be proud of yourself because you've come far.

  4. These kids did not give up even when the guy said you wont be champions on that thing they built and they were not mad when the lost all they cared about was that they tried and that's the most important part

  5. If you have a goal and passionate about it goal you go for it. Give this year your all. Find motivation because one day this will pay off.

  6. To push through everything dont matter how hard or how bad the enviroment is. And try your best.

  7. A goal I have this year is to have good grades and the way to do that is to study hard an try my best.

  8. My goal this year is to make national junior honors society and to pass all 15 levels in math wizards

  9. Ive almost nerver give up in the middle of a game you have to power through the othe team and try your hardest

  10. A goal i have this year is to hit more homeruns. I can accomplish my goal by taking more batting lessons.

  11. I learned that if you want something really bad then you can get it. A goal I have this year is to get good grades so I am going to study harder

  12. This video showed us to not give up or put yourself down if somebody or even yourself thinks that you can not do a certain task and to keep working until it is accomplished.

  13. They still pushed through the weather in the game, and I think that's really cool.

  14. Never say never because they didn't and they became a really good team and brought more opportunities for sports in that part of thailand.

  15. These kids taught us to not give up even when society has it's back turned on you. My goal is to have good grades and get on high honors and hopefully get into the National Junior Honors Society again in High School.

  16. We learn to keep on trying and not to give up on the things we want. My goal this year is to keep my grades up throughout this year going into highschool and get good grades up there also.

  17. My goal for this year is to maintain good grades until the end of the year and all throughout high school. I can do that by trying my hardest and studying.

  18. Always do your best because if you work hard enough you can do it

  19. Always try your hardest and don't give up because if you do, you probably won't achieve any dreams that you have.

  20. We learned that no matter what anybody says, if you have a goal you can reach it, if you put in all of the hard work.

  21. Always do what you love to do in life cause thats the easiest way to succeed

  22. These boys show you to never get discouraged even if times are hard theres always good in something even if it doesnt seem possible or if it doesnt seem like theres a bright side there almost always is

  23. if you have a goal that your really inspired to achieve and you work hard towards it than it is possible.

  24. This year I have set many goals for myself. The one I going to pursue the most will be to learn to get into reading. I will want to get a fast words per minute and get into many different themes of books that I have never been into before.

  25. My goal this year is to get good enough grades to make honors classes in high school. I plan on reaching that goal by studying and trying my best.

  26. One thing you can take away from this video is how determined the boys are even though people from their own village were doubting them. My goal for this school year is to get good grades in all of my classes. I plan on reaching this goal by working hard and trying my best in all my classes.

  27. This year my goal is to learn more about different genres of articles and books and to not only to keep my grades up in school but, make this last year of middle school my best memory yet.
