Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hello EasyBib!

I remember in college spending days on  a research paper, pouring my heart and soul into it, only to get it back from my professor with a big red slash through it.  She may have loved my introduction.  Adored how I analyzed and presented evidence.  Gone crazy for the way my sentences lept rhythmically from the page.  So, why the big red slash???  Why the rejection?  Why the big FIX THIS written across the page?

Because I had used a comma instead of a period on the stupid Works Cited Page.


Don't worry, writers and researchers!  Today, there is a better way!!!

Let EasyBib help you format your Works Cited Page.

Image result for easybib

EasyBib is an incredibly useful app and extension that helps collect sources and magically turns them into the correct format for your Works Cited Page.

No longer will your writing dreams be foiled by a silly, teeny, tiny mistake with a space, a period, a comma.

Be a good researcher!  Use Easybib!

Check out my Intro to Easybib screencast.

Be happy that you never have to go through what we had to when we had to painstakingly type up our own works cited page, on a typewriter, uphill, in the snow, without any shoes, on an empty stomach.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

TED TAlk #6- What Does It Take to Become a Master

Everyone wants the easy route.
The quickest way to get somewhere.  Why waste time?
They enter an address into the GPS just to find a way to get to a destination a little bit quicker.
No, don't go this way.  Go that way!  It will shave 3.457 minutes off your driving time.
3.457 minutes.... Phew, that was a close one.  What a waste it could have been. That's time you can never get back.
We are always rushing.
Fastest is better.

Well, that may work when we are driving around town, but that's not how it is in the real life.

Usually when someone focuses on the fastest way, they ignore the best way. How many times have you sped through a project, just to get it done.  Sure, it's a little messy.  The details are not quite developed.  Some parts may be missing.  You may have finished quickly, but show no spirit of excellence.

This is a problem.

If we truly want to be excellent at something, we need time: time to create, time to think, time to practice, time to bounce ideas around, time to play, time to explore, time to master.

You want to be a master.... a master of something :)  I challenge you to find your passion, like our TED talk speaker today, whatever it may be.  Find that passion and then throw yourself into it.  Don't just take the easy way out.  Don't just throw things together and call it a day.  Take the time.  Use the energy.  Dive deep.  Have a spirit of excellence.  After, weeks, months, years, decades... you may be able to call yourself a master one day.

It took a long time for our speaker today to find his passion.  He failed at so many other things.  He was told he was dumb.  Told he wouldn't amount to anything.  Told he was a disappointment. Then, one day,  he found it.  What he was most passionate about: the yo-yo!

Today, check out  Japanese yo-yo world champion BLACK as he tells his inspiring story of finding his life's passion, and gives an awesome performance that will make you want to pull  your yo-yo out of the closet.

Let his talk inprise you to find or jump into your own dreams!

You deserve a chance to be excellent.

You owe it to yourself to become a master.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Art of the Rebuttal

Ah, the art of the rebuttal.

We've seen lawyers do it in the movies and on TV:
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, although you have seen some gruesome evidence in this trial so far, I am here to tell you that the wrong man is being blamed for this crime!"

Image result for judge jury

We've seen  salesmen do it to make a sale:
"You may be thinking, 'Gee, that sure is a lot to spend on a car!' But, seriously, think about how much time you spend in your car.  Half of your life is spent driving around!  Do you really want to skimp on comfort in, what is basically, your second home?"

Image result for car salesman

Dentists do it:
"I know flossing every night is a pain, but you would look pretty silly without any teeth if they rot away, right?"

And, yes, teenagers do it:
"Mom, I know that a trip to DC with my 8th grade class is expensive, but just think about all the educational experiences I will have!  That kind of learning is priceless!"

Anybody who is skilled at argument knows the value of a strong rebuttal.

You never want to just barge your way through an argument, spouting off only reasons why you are right, without acknowledging the other side.  It's disrespectful to your audience to just say- well, you're wrong! without giving careful consideration to what they think or feel, or what the evidence may be against your arguments.  Good argument is built on honest attention to the facts.  You can't just wish them away and yell the loudest that your side is right.  That may have worked on the playground, but not in the real world.

But how do we address the other side of our argument, the counter-argument, without weakening our own claim?

Very carefully!  You want to be clear to acknowledge what the other point of view is, while still making your point very well understood.  No wishy-washy responses.  No flip-flopping.  Respect their points of view, but stick to your claim.

Try using these sentences starters to help with counter-arguments and rebuttals.  They are a great way to organize your ideas, without weakening your piece.  Make people take you seriously!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

In conclusion, transition words are key!

HI Everyone!

Transition words are very important to organize your ideas.  Think of your writing as a conversation between you and the reader.  You want to make sure you clearly guide your reader through your writing piece.  Transition words and phrases are key for that.

The tough part is varying the transition words you use.  Don't be a next-aholic!  Move past first, second, third.  Varying your transitions will help to strengthen your writing.  You all know how much I like sentence starters.  Right up until I graduated from college, I always had my starters in front of me when I write.  It's a great way to make sure I don't overuse my favorites.  Writing that's the same all the time is boring!  Shake it up!

This sheet of transition words and phrases will help you vary your writing and stay organized.

Furthermore, use it!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Arguments of Policy: Power to the People!

So far in ELA we've studied Argument of Fact- analyzing and providing evidence to prove something is true or false.  We've studied Argument of Judgment- agreeing on a set of criteria then applying that criteria to determine if our subject  is "a good example of something" or a "bad example of something."

We've solved murder cases.

We've committed 18th-century treason.

It is now time to change the world. 

Often people are fully happy to sit back and complain about what is wrong with the world.  They complain how unfair rules are.  They complain about certain laws they don't like.  They even complain about how the same people seem to be chosen as leaders year, after year, after year.  And yet, they generally never once decide to stand up and take a stand for something they believe in.

The art of argument writing, or argument in general, is not something that we only do in English classes.  Using evidence, analysis, claims, warrants, counter-arguments, and rebuttals are all a part of fixing the broken pieces of society and making the world a better place. 

As we prepare to learn more about Argument of Policy- changing rules and laws that we feel need to be changed- don't be a person who just shouts about how unfair it is.  Be the person who organizes, researches, analyzes data, makes an informed decision, respects the opinion of others, and stands up for change... whatever that change means for you.

To fix problems we don't have to conquer all the highest mountains in the world.... but we can start with the one right in front of us.  Be a person that others listen to.  Who knows, maybe your argument piece can make a difference.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

TED Talk #5: Technology + Magic = Awesome

I'm ready to yell it from the top floor of the Deering Middle School so that all the world can hear:  Marco Tempest is amazing!  Forget fake sawing people into two pieces.  Who cares about a never ending flower bouquet that turns into a bunch of scarves.  Bunny in a hat, pssshhhh.  They are so 2010.

Techno-Magicians are way better!

What is a techno-magician?

Basically, they are magicians that combine technology and magic. Marco Tempest is the only one I've ever really seen perform, but I plan on checking out more!

Since we do have a budding magician in our Genius Hour ranks, I thought his TED Talk- Augmented Reality, Techno-Magic would be a great talk to share.

Using sleight-of-hand techniques and charming storytelling, illusionist Marco Tempest brings a jaunty stick figure to life onstage at TEDGlobal.

Sit back and enjoy the show.
Try this at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!